What is a normal PSA number?
- The median PSA number for men age 40 to 49 ranges from 0.5 ng/ml to 0.9 ng/ml.
- Men with a PSA higher than the median are at a greater risk for prostate cancer and aggressive prostate cancer.
- The PSA number typically increases with age and the rate of increase is important to track.
- A high PSA number does not necessarily indicate prostate cancer: exercise, sex, an enlarged or irritated prostate can cause the PSA number to increase.
Track your PSA number and discuss with your doctor!
This information is provided for educational purposes only to support patients in understanding and discussing early detection screening with their doctor. However, this information should not be considered as patient screening guidelines or recommendations, but as educational materials only. Patients should discuss early detection screening with their doctors to understand the risks and benefits, and decisions should only be made between the patient and his doctor.