Prostate Cancer Early Detection Screening for African American Men

Introducing Dr. PSA
Prostate cancer early detection screening aims to reduce deaths from prostate cancer by detecting cancer that may be life threatening at an early stage where it may be treated and managed effectively.
Tap on Questions Below
What is the Prostate and Prostate Cancer?
Why is early detection screening important for Black men?
What age should you begin early detection screening?
What happens after the baseline PSA test?
What is considered a normal PSA number?
What are the potential benefits of early detection screening?
What are the potential risks of early detection screening?
What are the signs of Prostate cancer?
What treatment options are available if diagnosed with Prostate cancer?
This information is provided for educational purposes only to support patients in understanding and discussing early detection screening with their doctor. However, this information should not be considered as patient screening guidelines or recommendations, but as educational materials only. Patients should discuss early detection screening with their doctors to understand the risks and benefits, and decisions should only be made between the patient and his doctor.