What happens after the baseline PSA test?

  • Based upon the baseline PSA number your doctor may perform a digital rectal exam, schedule your next PSA test, or refer you to a urologist for further tests if your PSA is considered to be high.
  • You should track each PSA test number and compare it to the others to see if your PSA is rising, and if so, how fast. Review with your doctor following each PSA test.
  • Get a PSA test each year unless your doctor thinks more frequent, or less frequent, testing is in order.

Know your PSA number!


This information is provided for educational purposes only to support patients in understanding and discussing early detection screening with their doctor. However, this information should not be considered as patient screening guidelines or recommendations, but as educational materials only. Patients should discuss early detection screening with their doctors to understand the risks and benefits, and decisions should only be made between the patient and his doctor.

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